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General building models are made up of several single building models. To complete a disordered building model, manufacturing single building model is the most basic technology. The manufacturing of each single building constitutes a complete sand table, so the manufacturing of single building model is the most important. Hangzhou Jingwen model company will talk about the manufacturing process of single building?1Xb中國模型網(wǎng)


Manufacturing process of single building:1Xb中國模型網(wǎng)

一、建筑模型畫線:在制造建筑單體時(shí),首要要將制造的建筑單體平面進(jìn)行分解。分解后將各個(gè)二維平面用拓印法或丈量劃線法描繪在選定的ABS板材上。在畫線時(shí),除了要考慮畫線的準(zhǔn)確度,還要考慮到因?yàn)閷有问蕉鸬陌宀某叨鹊淖兓?span style="display:none">1Xb中國模型網(wǎng)

1. Drawing line of building model: when manufacturing single building, the plane of single building must be decomposed first. After decomposition, each two-dimensional plane is described on the selected ABS plate by rubbing or measuring scribing. When drawing lines, not only the accuracy of drawing lines, but also the change of plate size caused by butt joint form should be considered.1Xb中國模型網(wǎng)


2. Building model cutting: when cutting, it is generally first to cut and then to cut, first to inside and then to outside. Scratch before cutting, i.e. make scratches on the facade wall line of the plant. Scratches are sketched with a hook knife. The strength of the hook knife should be even and the depth of the scratches should be the same. Fully consider the effect of spraying color when manufacturing. After the manufacturing of facade wall line, the window opening processing shall be carried out. After the completion of the above series of manufacturing, the facade can be cut.1Xb中國模型網(wǎng)


3. Building model assembly: assembly is the combination of the finished plane into three-dimensional building monomer. At this stage, special attention should be paid to the parallel and vertical connection between faces and edges. In combination, it is necessary to make full use of right angle ruler (bending ruler) for measurement to ensure the manufacturing accuracy. In order to avoid the reflection of the component, the support is added in the corner or the component with larger plane scale. When building monomer combination is carried out, it shall be considered in combination with the later spraying process.1Xb中國模型網(wǎng)


IV. polishing of building model: after combined molding, the joints shall be polished. For the first time, grind with a plate file. When using the file, pay attention to the point of view to avoid the seam opening. The second time can be polished with assorted file or sandpaper.1Xb中國模型網(wǎng)


V. overall repair of building model: after the completion of the assembly of all single buildings, the whole repair shall be carried out one by one. First, finish the joint at the corner. That is, use a fine file to polish the corner and the joints until the joints are smooth and free of unevenness. Secondly, use fine sandpaper to finish and polish the surface to make it meet the requirements of color spraying.1Xb中國模型網(wǎng)


Vi. color spraying of building model: the color spraying method of plain color can be used for color processing of building monomer model. Overlapping spray color method is to use self spray paint with the same color phase and different transparency for cross spray color, so that the building monomer presents a dot like effect with different shades. This method is difficult to master, but the visual effect is very good.1Xb中國模型網(wǎng)


In the main design of each group of building models, the most important thing is to master the overall relationship. The so-called master of the main body relationship is to control the material selection, manufacturing process and manufacturing depth of the main body manufacturing of the building model from a macro perspective according to the architectural style and shape.1Xb中國模型網(wǎng)

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